🤑Proper Asset Allocation & Risk Profiling is Very Important For Wealth Creation .
Brief Introduction :
⭐️Mr.Vinay Vaidya is the Director IT for Amazon India .
About Vinay:
Vinay & His Brother Raghavendra are one of Most Cultured , Decent & Down To Earth Brothers i have come Across .
Vinay & His Entire are highly educated & qualified .
Vinay has been a conservative investor all his life , this was one big mind set we had to change .
Challenges Faced :
1.Investements Scattered All Over .
2.Money Hoarded in FD, LIC , Savings & Real estate not fetching any revenue.
3.Lot of Rounds of Meetings
4.Importance of Making Money as hard as Vinay.
5.Exposure to High Risk investments ——
When we saw his portfolio we were shocked to see money hoarded in lic and savings bank & real estate which was not fetching any revenue.
The only investment we could see working was his amazon stock options .
We had to a do a lot of rounds of meetings to make him realise the importance of making money work for him & Finally he Agreed to Start with High Risk investments with a Couple of Million Rupees .
Positive Side :
1.Today Vinay has a Much Larger Portfolio.
2.Vinay is also ready to take a Reasonable & Calculative Risk as his Experience With High Risk Investments has been a Positive one .
3.We Look Forward to Work Vinay on His Succession plan Next .
Here is What Vinay has to Say About His Association With Wealth Munshi .