Chennai, Tamil Nadu – Sharvagyaa Finance Services Private Limited, led by its visionary Co-Founder and CEO, Srinivasan, has joined forces with Wealth Munshi, a distinguished financial advisory firm. This collaboration marks a pivotal moment in the financial landscape, introducing a range of comprehensive loan offerings to empower both individuals and businesses.
With an illustrious career spanning various roles, including Chief Operating Officer at Asirvad Microfinance Limited and Chief Financial Officer at PEOPLE COMBINE EDUCATIONAL INITIATIVES LIMITED, Srinivasan, the Co-Founder and CEO of Sharvagyaa Finance Services Private Limited, brings a wealth of experience to this partnership. His leadership has driven growth, scaled assets under management, , facilitated crucial financial operations & raising funds from 350 cr -1600 cr.
Wealth Munshi now gains access to Sharvagyaa Finance Services Private Limited’s robust loan portfolio, including secured MSME loans, microfinance solutions, and more. This strategic collaboration emphasizes their joint commitment to delivering innovative financial solutions.