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Chartered Accountants Choose Wealth Munshi Not Bank for Financial , Wealth & Succession Analysis. (2012)

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Mr. Arjun Ramesh, esteemed client of Wealth Munshi.
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💹For Mutual Funds , Real Estate , Start Up , Equity , Insurance Advise I Reach Out To WM.

👉About Mr. Arjun Ramesh: ( Partner at B S R & Co. LLP ) Associated Since 10th June 2012 !

Experience of Working With Mr.Arjun :

  1. Associated with WM since “10th of June 2012 & We have never Met Till Date”.

2. Partner with a Global Accounting & Auditing Firm .

3. Arjun is polished , vey well educated & himself understands Finance very well Being an “Auditor & Chartered Accountant” .

4. Out Going Person with Hobbies Like “Golf”.

✅“Challenges” Faced on Working With Mr.Arjun:

  1. Arjun Initially used to “Judge Us” .

2. Another Challenge was “Time Constraint” .

3. “Mulls over the recommendations for a longer time than expected” which could have an opportunity loss at times.

“Positive” Side On Working With Mr.Arjun:

  1. “Diversified Portfolio” According to His Goals for Arnav’s Education , Retirement Etc Well in Sync .

2. Well Wisher for WM & Arjun has also “Introduced many of his close friends & colleagues” with whoom we work Closely .

3. Punctual , Thorough Professional & Values ,”Respects our Time & Association”.

“Best Part” :

We have not met & all communications , transactions , portfolio recommendation , financial analysis , wealth analysis is done digitally .

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